One question we've gotten as the word of A Year Without Rent is how are we going to choose the projects to work on? Well, it's really rather simple: there is no system.
Basically, we're going to try and fit in as many of them as possible, regardless of size and/or importance. It's not a question of budget or prestige or anything else. It's really a matter of a couple of factors:
When & Where
Really, this is obvious. If we're in Nevada and your project starts tomorrow in Florida, we're probably not going to make it. But, we might be able to get there for part of it. We've got someone (her name is Heather) dealing with the logistics. She'll try and make it work.
What to pick?
Hopefully, a situation will come up where there's two different projects and there's no way to get both of them in. In that case, it'll probably be a judgement call. Everything else being equal, we'll choose the one that's more interesting to us and that fits in better with the overall narrative. And, yes, we'll give our backers priority. But you probably could have guessed that.
What about?
Money? Nope, that's not a factor. If your film is paying, then we'll put the money toward staying on the road, but that's not going to be what does it. Part of what we want to accomplish with the Kickstarter campaign is to make it so that we can simply take the best project.
So that means we don't really care what kind of project it is. A feature, a short, a music video, a documentary, whatever. It doesn't really matter. We want to help these films get made and seen. We want to help them connect with a larger audience. That's it. There's no ulterior motive to that.
We've got some projects lined up already (there's kind of a first-come, first-serve situation at play), and more are coming in.
Hopefully that makes some sense. Stay tuned.