1. Our friends at Film Courage have run an article on the project by yours truly. Check it out.
2. We've laid down a little challenge that should be of particular interest to those of you who backed my film Up Country. Basically, if we can get to 50 backers today, tomorrow I'll release a rough cut of a scene from Up Country.
So...tell your friends. It's a win-win. Details can be found here.
Oh, and here's track 7 of the Mix CD.
7. Between Days
Artist: Red House Painters
Album: Old Ramon
If you saw Almost Famous, then you're kind of familiar with the Red House Painters. Basically, they're the brainchild of Mark Kozelek, who played one of the band members in Stillwater (the one who isn't a famous actor or the drummer). Anyway, Kozelek is awesome, be it via the Red House Painters or Sun Kil Moon or his solo stuff.
I find it's the sort of thing you can easily lose yourself inside of, and before you know it the album is over and you're playing it again.
1. On the Road (Jack Kerouac)
2. The 50 States Song (Sufjan Stevens)
3. No Cars Go (Arcade Fire)
4. Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Bob Dylan)
5. I Know Every Street (Lohio)
6. Power (Kanye West)