And that's totally fine.
I'm not even on a set today. I'm going to go down to Santa Monica and hang out with Dustin Pearlman and his couch will be the final AYWR couch. Simple as that.
But I think what gets lost a lot in talking about AYWR is how important the community has been in quite literally keeping this thing afloat. Ultimately, this is your project and a document of how you collectively operate. I'm just the guy going from place to place to see it first-hand.
So on this, the final day, I think it'd be better to hear from you. AYWR kind of lives on Twitter, so I'd love if you could tweet your reaction to the end of AYWR--good, bad, whatever. I'll collect as many as I can and add them to the bottom of this post.
Without you, AYWR doesn't work. Without you, it's nothing.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. It's been a hell of a year.
@lmcnelly's year has been an amazing achievement and a wonderful exhibition of independent filmmaking spirit at its best. #AYWRfeb18
— TheClapperBored (@TheClapperBored) February 18, 2012
I think AYWR has created connective tissue between all us #indiefilm makers around the world. We have a common thread now. #AYWRfeb18
— Marty Lang (@marty_lang) February 18, 2012
I also think AYWR has showed that it's not as hard as people think to help others make their films - and for them to help you. #AYWRfeb18
— Marty Lang (@marty_lang) February 18, 2012
But mostly, AYWR has conditioned me to accept random texts/phone calls from Lucas - and to keep my spare bedroom open. :) #AYWRfeb18
— Marty Lang (@marty_lang) February 18, 2012
AYWR is indeed a strange beast. Happy to have been part of it, happier I'm not @lmcnelly - he *must* be wrecked! Well done mate! #AYWRfeb18
— zahra (@fnafilms) February 18, 2012
There was something beautifully polarizing about #AYWRfeb18 seeing what floated what sank and why was better than film skool Thnx @lmcnelly
— Stefan Wrenshall (@IndieJoneser) February 18, 2012
I just clicked #AYWRfeb18 to see what'd happen. Now I'm embarrassed. Um YAY @lmcnelly - well done, good job. Santa Monica is my fave place.
— zahra (@fnafilms) February 18, 2012
@lmcnelly Thank you for connecting filmmakers throughout the world and sharing your experiences #AYWRfeb18
— Wolfgang Gumpelmaier (@gumpelmaier) February 18, 2012
If I am ever forced to trade or sell my futon for food, I will use the fact that "Lucas McNelly slept here" to try to get more $. #AYWRFeb18
— CaptainAwkwardDotCom (@CAwkward) February 18, 2012
I can't wait to see Lucas' IMDB page and all the credits therein! #AYWRfeb18
— Paul Osborne (@PaulMakesMovies) February 18, 2012
Well done! What a great place to end it. Santa Monica, where I met @fnafilms No regrets. #AYWRfeb18
— James DeMarco (@jazadal) February 18, 2012
Congrats to Lucas McNelly for wrapping #AYWRfeb18. Happy that FM was part of it. Was cool to watch the way it bobbed and weaved.
— Scott Macaulay (@FilmmakerMag) February 18, 2012
Sorta don't believe Lucas McNelly is already done with #AYWRfeb18. Where did my own year go?
— David Lowery (@davidlowery) February 18, 2012
I cannot believe @lmcnelly completed #AYWRfeb18today. I have at least two more films for him to work on for free.
— Wonder Russell (@bellawonder) February 18, 2012
We've had an incredibly honest look at the realities behind independent film, which will reveal more as information is collated. #AYWRfeb18
— Leilani Holmes (@momentsoffilm) February 18, 2012
Learned alot watching from the sidelines & frontlines @FlywayFilmFest & @filmcourage. Your journey's just begun. #whataride #AYWRfeb18
— Elizabeth Karr (@elizabethkarr) February 18, 2012
. @lmcnelly's social media film experiment was the best glimpse into the changing landscape of DIY film we've had. #AYWRfeb18
— Wonder Russell (@bellawonder) February 18, 2012
I am now two degrees away from an international community of filmmakers simply because I bought @lmcnelly a burger. #AYWRfeb18
— Curt Hendley (@chendle) February 18, 2012
also, I have a T-shirt with a Sasquatch on it that I wear at least once a week no matter what the weather's like. #AYWRfeb18
— Curt Hendley (@chendle) February 18, 2012
Give myself and @lmcnelly about two years, and perhaps we'll both have correlating sequels. #AYWRfeb18
— mattson tomlin (@mattsontomlin) February 19, 2012
@lmcnelly killed it, connecting filmmakers far and wide.What a trip it was to follow it online, then have him show up at my door #AYWRfeb18
— Michael Babiarz (@mikebabz) February 19, 2012
Congrats to @lmcnelly for surviving a year of being a professional indie film hobo! May your bindle always be well tied. #AYWRfeb18
— Noah J Nelson (@areyouthatguy) February 19, 2012
@lmcnelly met and got to work with @breagrant.Do I really have to say anything else? :-) #AYWRfeb18Seriously tho, what an achievement!
— Tzuriel Kastel (@audiowizard25) February 19, 2012
With @lmcnelly travelling, the global world of #indie #filmmaking has become as flat as never before #AYWRfeb18
— spoxx (@spoxx) February 19, 2012
Doing #AYWR and not just talking about it encapsulates the spirit of true indie film.Excited to see what @lmcnelly does next #AYWRfeb18
— Richard C Jones (@richardo) February 19, 2012
Cant believe #AYWRfeb18 is over... Congrats @lmcnelly for surviving, hope you can adapt back to normal life now lol
— Tina Frank (@Art_Dept_Tina) February 19, 2012
Filmmaker Lucas McNelly is spending a year on the road, volunteering on indie film projects around the country, documenting the process and the exploring the idea of a mobile creative professional. You can see more from A Year Without Rent at the webpage. His feature-length debut is now available to rent on VOD. Follow him on Twitter: @lmcnelly.