Back in March I was in Chicago for some overdubbing of vocals (not mine, thankfully) on Wendy Jo Carlton's JAMIE AND JESSIE ARE NOT TOGETHER. Obviously, a film that far into post is going to be seen sooner rather than later.
Sure enough, the reviews are starting to come in. Danielle Riendeau (@Danielleri) saw the film recently and wrote a review at Here's part of it:
Jamie and Jessie are Not Together is one of the funniest, most original lesbian films of the year. With an attractive, likeable cast of characters, snappy, believable dialogue and two phenomenal leads, it’s a summery blast of fresh air.
Throughout, the movie retains an assured, comfortable pace and a wicked sense of humor. The awkwardness of being in love with a best friend, blind dating, even getting drunk at a party and saying things you shouldn’t – all of it is staged beautifully and executed with perfect timing. The dialogue and settings are genuinely laugh-out-loud funny, and the cast is talented, attractive, and instantly likeable. These are people you believe immediately and want to hang around with.
Director Wendy Jo Carlton (Hannah Free) could not have asked for better leads. London-Shields is effervescent – by turns mopey (she is in unrequited love, after all), hilariously awkward, and ultimately loveable. Jackson’s Jamie is charming, effortlessly sexy, and incredibly sweet. Together, the women have a chemistry that is powerful and fluid – no matter what’s going on in the scene, there’s undeniable electricity between them.
Wendy Jo, back in March:
Filmmaker Lucas McNelly is spending a year on the road, volunteering on indie film projects around the country, documenting the process and the exploring the idea of a mobile creative professional. You can see more from A Year Without Rent at the webpage. His feature-length debut is now available to rent on VOD. Follow him on Twitter: @lmcnelly.