Last night, my friend Victoria Westcott "pulled a Year Without Rent" and put together a miracle finish to her Kickstarter campaign for LOCKED IN A GARAGE BAND, which just happens to be one of the films on our schedule. Much congratulations to Victoria (and Jen) for joining the Kickstarter Miracle Club. It's a small club, but we're all very friendly.
As you might guess, I'm expecting to get a lot of content at DIY Days, so expect that over the coming days. But first, in case you missed it, here's a summary of Andrew Brotzman's Nor'easter:
In almost every way, this was a much different project from Mattson Tomlin's DREAM LOVER. Whereas on DREAM LOVER, we were near a city, mostly inside on sound stages, filming hyper-fantastical stuff, Nor'easter was in one of the most remote places in the country, all either outside or in poorly insulated interiors, and authentic down to the bone.
If you aren't all that familiar with costal Maine (and even if you are), you probably have no concept of the island of Vinalhaven. To get there, you have to drive nearly two hours north of Portland to the town of Rockland, which is moderately well-known. From there, you have to take an hour and a half ferry ride to the island. It's a sparsely populated place in the summer. In the winter, it's virtually empty.
Did I mention that it's February? In Maine? To say it was cold is an understatement. We were all wearing layers for the interiors. It was a brutal shoot, made rewarding by the fact that Andrew Brotzman and his producer Veronica Nickel assembled an exception cast and crew from literally all over the world. I'm still not sure how they convinced people of that caliber to go out there.
I was only on the shoot for a couple of days, and the environment made shooting video virtually impossible, but I did get a little. And I managed to get some nice photos. Take a few minutes and check them out.
But, more importantly, I think they're going to come up with a really, really nice film. Keep an eye out for this one.
Oh, and check out the Nor'easter tag
Also, the rest of the photos
And, obviously, the Nor'easter webpage.