I think we can do it. Maybe I'm deluded, but the response from everyone has been so overwhelmingly positive that it's hard to imagine it failing. But, we shall see.
Anything you can do to help spread the word is much appreciated. It's an all-or-nothing campaign, so if we come up even $1 short, we get nothing. (and you pay nothing)
Most of you have probably heard of Mubi. It used to be called "The Auteurs" and I think it's affiliated with Criterion. I know you all know who Criterion is.
Anyway, the Mubi Garage joins the long list of outlets endorsing our little endeavor by running a post in their Notebook from yours truly. And, naturally, I snuck in images from UP COUNTRY, because when you've got a chance, you do it.
Quick note on yesterday's song: I was unsure if Yoshi's was an actual place and speculated that Jerome Wincek may have, in fact, been talking about the Shamrock. Well, backer Jennifer Blyler informs me that Yoshi's is a real place, and that it's so scary it makes the Shamrock look like the Ritz Carlton.
Anyway, here's track 12.
12. O New England
Artist: The Decemberists
Album: Always the Bridesmaid, Vol 1
I know what you're thinking. If A YEAR WITHOUT RENT is starting in New England, shouldn't the Mix CD start with the song "O New England"? The answer, of course, is no. Why? Just because. I dunno. It felt like a good fit here.
This is probably my favorite Decemberists song, although this album (with is really just a single, as Vol 1 has 2 songs) has most of my favorite songs of theirs, once you include Vol 2. And for some reason, there's 2 more songs on my iTunes that aren't listed in either (Record Year and Raincoat Song). I'm not sure what the deal is with those.
Anyway, here's a live performance of "O New England", complete with witty banter.